3 Question blog #2 (September 15, 2017)
Recently we have completed a " Chemical vs. Physical properties and changes lab". This lab consisted of 10 different experiments. The first experiment consisted of a bunsuen burner and matches, each person in the group took a turn lighting the Bunsen burner. The second experiment consisted of Alka seltzer tablets, a graduated cylinder, a stopwatch and water. At this station we put the tablets in the water and observed what happened as well as answered questions. The third experiment consisted of cobalt II chloride, sodium phosphate, a small test tube, and empty beaker and a waste beaker. With these materials we first placed the test tube in the small empty beaker, then we transferred five drops of cobalt II chloride solution into the test tube. Then we answered a few observational questions and following those questions we added 5 drops of sodium phosphate in the test tube. We then answered more questions and cleaned up our station. Next was experiment four, at this station w...